Cecomes in silico medicine for surgery and industry
The CECOMES centre is based on a multidisciplinary expertise with reference to clinical-surgical, biomedical and engineering contexts.
The CECOMES is a university project, funded by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (FISR n° FISR2019_03221).
The CECOMES centre was established to offer services about in silico medicine to hospitals and biomedical companies, assuming as the main focus the patient’s wellness, thanks to engineering methods for the design and optimization of clinical devices, as well as for the clinical and surgical procedures.
In "silico methods" are based on computational tools, such as 3D CAD, 3D prototyping, and especially calculus. All these tools are used to define, design and improve clinical devices and procedures with a patient-specific approach.
Organizational structure
The CECOMES is decentralized, being located for practical purposes in three different universities, namely the University of Padua (IT), Politecnico of Turin (IT) and Politecnico of Milan (IT).
These universities are national excellences in terms of research, worldwide well-known regarding their studies in applied mathematics and physics to medicine and surgery. These research poles hold the role of University founding partners of the CECOMES.
Application fields
The CECOMES relies on multidisciplinary expertise, related to clinical-surgical, biomedical and engineering contexts. There are several fields of interest, from gastrointestinal surgery (such as the bariatric, gastroesophageal and abdominal operations), heart and vascular surgery, lower urinary tract surgery, to orthopedic and prosthesis applications. It is possible to enlarge these research topics on request, with both a computational and experimental approach.
Fields of action
The available services refer to multiple contexts, from the “Computer Assisted Surgery – CAS”: 3D CAD modeling of anatomical sites, functional and implantable prototyping, to the “Computational Biomechanics for Surgery – CBS”: computational modeling based on mathematical and physical rules for the biomechanical evaluation of anatomical districts, in order to forecast surgical outputs or to mimic their interaction with clinical devices and protheses.
In parallel with in silico methods, experimental activities are carried out for the mechanical characterization of biological tissues from nano to macro-scale, as well as for materials applied in protheses.
Programma dell’evento conclusivo del progetto
Evento conclusivo e Premio CECOMES
28th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics
VIII Congress of the National Group of Bioengineering (GNB)
Contact us
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